Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Cannot count the times.....since I graduated in 1950 and went to BYU.....that I drove by the sign of Dead Horse Point....always wondering if we would find dead horses there....well on a trip to Colorado last week.....Leslie and I finally took an hour and drove up to see the view from the Point.....nice drive and finally seeing what is in my back door after tripping around the world .....The sign draws you in....curious  I guess.
Had a fun after noon with Pam today....we found a restrauant that would let you in to sit down and eat....the world is opening up....then up to the Cook's houseing  area....they have built some great homes and I am proud of them,  Yesterday Sherrie spent the afternoon with me....we took a trip to Costco.....yes we got toilet paper..... and grabbed some lunch at Wendy's and ate on my patio.....they were off to Lake Powell for the Memorial Day celebration..Been so great to have company and doing some shopping these two weeks.

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