Tuesday, May 5, 2020


SUZANNE CALLED AND SAID WE HAD TO GO GET SOME TACOS FOR LUNCH TO CELEBRATE THIS BIG HOLIDAY!!!!  We drove up to Taco Bell and got in line with a dozen others wanting to celebrate today.....then drove home and ate on my front porch.....you never get to old to hang out and celebrate something???
Yesterday I went shopping for Patio furniture and AT HOME found a nice little set I could afford.....called Scotty and ask him to get them home to me....his folks had his truck in St George but he could tomorrow....now to put them together....anxious to get rid of the battered stuff I have had for many years....filled the humming bird feeders and the bird bath......Pam planted flowers in all the pots...so really looks nice.  Now to find a fire pit and I will be done with the patio....Didn't take me long to spend my income tax refund!

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