Thursday, May 7, 2020


What a day????
My fire alarm has been peeping for a week and finally I ask PAM to borrow her big ladder.....She zipped over it with her ladder to take care of it........Well after several hours of even going to the store to buy good batteries....she gave up and left her ladder to the sky leaned on my wall....later that after noon......arrives Robbie.....who hates get it fixed for Gram.....after facing the heights with me holding the ladder....SURE.....he hoped he had it fixed....NADA....their was still a beep.....SO We changed the batteries in the the the security system and still......there was a beep from somewhere.....Rob would not give dectective ROB....cornered the beep in the pantry by the washer and he cleaned off the top shelf in the pantry he found the treasures I had brought from my last condo.......and low and behold he found three monaxide detectors in a plastic bag from madrid st I had brought with me five years ago when I moved in planning to install of them had a battery that was low.....sooo it was telling us!!!!  I think if I had been his wife instead of his mother in law...... it would have ended different.....but he was very sweet and chalked it up to demention on my part!!!!  He had me throw them in the garbage can for the garbage to contend with....Hey it is....what it is? those thing cost money and you never know when you will need one?  I love my son-in-laws.......

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