Friday, June 19, 2020


In the middle of this grand-life storm........pandemics, earthquakes, racism, economic hardships and every day living....with no toilet paper.....turn your home into a refuge from these storms....a place of peace, love and comfort, safety and protection.  How lucky are we who have nice comfortable homes to hunker down in.  All we need to eat, good neighbors to support us, fairly decent health and God and family helping us through each day.
This is Father's Day weekend and I miss my sweet father so much...sometimes as I am quietly sitting and pondering ....I think I smell his cigarettes and feel he is always near by when I need him...I adored my father and have so many wonderful memories of him......I am so sad this Father's Day for my children because they basicly have no father figure in thier life.....he has chosen the KMart lady over them and they were told not to bother them by her.....No happy father's day there........They are both checked out of the hospital and at home.....I guess.
Then yesterday a dear friend......Ruth Anthony died of cancer....she has been ill for quite a while.  No one is ready to lose a dear friend.
UTAH has spiked again today with that darn viris....guess I better just stay home and be safe....I have asked God to put a white light of protection around all my family.....and help us keep the rules....and be safe.

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