Sunday, June 7, 2020


Back in the thirties and fourties.....when I was growing up in Colorado.....a big treat......  when we went to Cortez to shop or visit relatives.....was to have lunch at woolworths!!  Seems the counters were always full and they made wonderful "hot roast beef sandwitches".....They were a childs delight.  We had no money.....but it didn't cost to look.  Then a couple of times when I stayed all night with a cousin.....we picked vegetables out of my aunts garden....put them in her wagon and took them up to the  main street to sell.  Maybe we would make a quarter a piece......then head for woolworths to spend our fortune.....beautiful ribbon a nickle a yard to tie back our hair.....a pair of anklets a dime.....were our favorite purchses.  Oh....for the good old days,  Now days you pick up your ever-lasting phone and punch in a few numbers and letters and amazon has your purchase on your door step in the morning......but i wouldn't miss out that work for......then the thrill of looking, dedcideing, and finally tucking your purchse away and knowing you earned it.......a feeling a child gets as they work themselves through life.....learning the lessons you need to mature.

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