Sunday, October 8, 2017


My how Sundays have changed as I have gone through my life........Sundays were family days with a good fried chicken dinner and Moms red -devel's food cake with that special frosting!!!!  No one went to church much......sometimes it was dinner with grandma and the aunts and uncles or off on a picnic with daddy and Mom while he fished.........while us kids explored and Mom looked for her favorite thing.......drift-wood.
DON 'T remember Church being too important through my two years at BYU.......even though it was a big church school......I don't remember EVER going to church???  My year in Denver with the  Kellers certainly wasn't churchy and my years of flying as a Stewardess......I never went to church.......Got married and had Pam and she and I went to church some.....I was a primary teacher and  Relief Society teacher until the twins came church until they could go to their class......and that was not often.   After Don walked out I was very angry at God and the Church and went some with the twins but for 27 years .......not much.....NOW!  I have gotten back into the church...tithing etc.....because my grandson Ken is on a service mission on Temple Square and I am to set an example and lead and guide him.....SOOOO no more movies, eating out or shopping on Sunday....just Church, a nap and dinner..........Today was Fast Sunday and Testimony Sunday and I hate to sit through all those crying sessions of 'POOR ME".....and how I love the Lord!  We all do....but isn't it a personal thing that we all endure in privacy?  How can you stand up in front of two or three hundred people and cry for 20 minutes?????  Oh well, God I am trying........

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