Sunday, October 1, 2017


      I AM SO PROUD OF ME.......I CAN KEEP A SECRET .  My Pam and Rob turned 60 this year....Rob in June, Pam in August.  Soooo.....their 3 kids decided to give them a surprise party for the "BIG 60"......Nicci flew in from Seattle Friday and stayed with Rob's sister where the party was set for.  Tiff had to invent an excuse to keep them in town by asking them to tend Aaron etc.....Will was on board to help where ever needed.......They had a taco bar and decorated the house cute.....Pam and Aaron came over to visit me that afternoon and told me she was going to Julie's for a family thing because Mark's mother had just died.......she never dreamed I was dying to ask her......"can you and Rob pick me up to go to your surprise party at Julies tonight?"........BUT I didn't!  They were very surprised to see a house full of people and especially their sweet Nicci.  Bill,...... Nicci's husband...... had gone to pick up their dog from his folks and will be in Seattle to start his new job the 9th.  Sherrie and Karrie were not there, but Don and the KMart Lady and I their three kids and grandchild.......and lots of good friends.   The kids pulled it off and they seemed thrilled.  This is their 4th of July Party pictures from last night have popped up yet.

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