Sunday, October 15, 2017


AM I the only person who sits and ponders things?
They keep telling us to read the scriptures......and ponder over them.......well my attention span isn't what it use to be and before I know it I am wondering what went wrong in my life???   I thought I was doing what a good wife and mother should be doing......but somewhere along the way I guess I went wrong........TWO bad things happened that I never expected.......My husband walked out after 30 years of marriage.......AND now one of my three daughters hates her sisters and I......and I guess it is my fault.......ONLY I don't know why.  I guess weekends are bad alone as it does give you too much time to ponder your life and wonder what comes next?  Don and I have made peace after 31 years of divorce..... I just wish Karrie and her kids could love ALL of us again......LOVE really is the only thing that matters in a family or with friends.

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