Saturday, October 28, 2017


I am always looking for ways to learn something words, new receipts etc......Today I ran across the word.....ASHWAGANDHA......Taking 400mg of this Ayurvedic herb daily soothes anxiety for 90% of women in 30 days!....Ashwagandha's actve ingredients tamp down stress hormone production......Bonus:  Ashwagandha is also a powerful anti-inflammatory that can ease chronic joint pain in as little as two weeks!  Who would have known?  RHODIOLA....was another word being tossed around and it's benefits of stress calming and losing weight......AND  I am already taking Probiotics for they are brain-calming neurotransmitters.........and are also anti-inflammatorys that can ease chronic joint pain in as little as two weeks!
Don't know if knowing all this stuff makes me any smarter......but kinda inter sting.....even though you can't pronounce or spell them.......

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