Saturday, October 14, 2017


It is not that my life stops en between Blogs........It is just that it moves so fast I am always a day or so behind.......Had Ken here all last week end so we cleaned, put the patio furniture away for the winter and went shopping and to Church......kinda dull......Monday took lunch to Pam who is laid up with a foot operation for 6 weeks......Tuesday we both had a foot-doctor appointments......Wednesday lunch again over to Pam.......and bought  a pair of crutches for her to use.....I want them back!   Thursday Pam and Rob went to Idaho and Ken went to Vernal.......and  I had lunch and Mexican Train with my group.......Friday coffee at Patty's, the bank and Walmart...... just ready to head home and got a call from Idaho......her phone told her some packages had been delivered and were on her front porch........Mom......would you go put them in the house?????Well my key would not work so I got her lawn man who came to get his check.......under the front door carry them to the garage for me.....very heavy.....did very little house work, laundry, yard etc all week.....SOOOO today made a new list.  Went and got gas at Costco..... thought it was suppose to storm this week-end, but so far very nice,.......then to Home Depot for a cover for my air-conditioner......cleaned up dog poo and made soup out of left-overs for my week-end meals.....took food to my neighbor Hhon and returned her plate.......lasts week she had brought Ken and I Pot Stickers,.......pretzels and meat pies......What a neighbor!
Looking seems I was busy, but doesn't look like I got much done around here....OH WELL....MANANA!

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