Friday, October 20, 2017


Will I ever get use to people I can't see talking to me?????Now this Siri person.....I have to make up in my mind how Siri looks......She is tall and skinny with red hair and funny glasses and a pointy nose....and very large jewlery.....kinda scary so you believe everything she tells you!  Where is the nearest Pizza Place?  Where is the cheapest gas?  She never answers when I ask her "Who is the fairest of them all"?  When Leslie and I went on a trip I bought this thingy called a GPS that told us how to get where we wanted to go and a lady.......we named her Mertle...... kept talking to us and I swear that invisible person drove us all the country and we never saw her to blame her for all the wrong places we ended up.
AND ......whose this wierdo that whispers in my ear now then......'Your battery is low?" does  he know if my battery is low or not......maybe I just need a cup of coffee......and he is always right.....which bugs me more.....I think he is short with a beard and creepy hands and wears shoe lifts!......not the kind of guy you want.......CHECKING YOUR BATTERY.
And then there is this "THE CLOUD" thing, they talk about all the time......My kids tell me everything I do goes to "the cloud".....but I said, "no way" was RUSSIA getting any of my stuff if my cloud floated over to make me happy they said they would rent a locker at Costco for me to store all my stuff I write in.....I trust Costco.....I don't trust clouds.
I am too old for Fairy Tales and invisible people that will talk to you......

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