Tuesday, April 29, 2014


"Be where you are when you are there"........Dallin Oaks
LIFE.....Seize it and make it amazing....Have adventures......Find your voice.....Ask questions......Use your imagination.....Make a difference.....Surround yourself with good friends......Be kind and generous.....Discover your passion.......Make mistakes......Take chances.......Follow your Dreams.....Today is the day, don't let it pass you by.
               As I look back over this list of things Life should be......I can happily say I have been there done that with most the suggestions!  I have been terribly lucky.......Traveling has made possible so much of it, having a wonderful family and many good friends have added much........I have made mistakes, I have taken chance.....many.....and I have always followed my dreams......and today 82 years young and into the latter days of my life I do have the faith that everything will work out for the best.
           Tomorrow is bridge at my house so today has been busy making, desert, salad and the casserole and finishing cleaning the house.....yes it is a lot of work......but so rewarding!  I love my little bit of heaven that I have created here at 6298 Madrid.  My dog, my gold fish, my plants, my fountains, my four walls that keep me safe and warm.  I am so lucky and my gratitude journal is full.........I intend to make every day even better than the day before.   And I never forget to thank God each night!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hakuna Matata....Don't Worry......

Hakuna Matata and Wabi Sabi are such good words.....know the meaning and say the words and you are in another place..........a good and positive place.
"Let the things you can't control, "GO".  Most things are only a part of your life because you keep thinking about them.  Positive things happen in your life when you emotionally distance yourself from the negative things.  So stop holding on to what hurts, and make room for what feels right.  Do not let what is out of your control interfere with all the things you can control........"
"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed.  It means the damage no longer controls our lives."  
So happy our Annie got home safely from India last night......a million fun stories......but back to the real world isn't easy!  I got to keep Scottie last night......it isn't easy being the little brother sometimes.  Mike called, birthday dinner next Friday maybe and today Lucille is as old as I am!!!!!!!  Oh yes, and my baby brother is 68.....I think? 

Saturday, April 26, 2014


I have been a faithful reader of Robert Kirby's column for a long time......I relate to many of his views......He says that he has found in different meetings people come up and tell him......many things in the Mormon religion are perplexing to them.........he admits that some things that came to his mind, that were perplexing to others, were also to him......and me.  The list includes polygamy........is it written in the scriptures or just some presidents decision for more beds to sleep in legally???? The priesthood.......I am happy some men have been given certain powers, but I don't approve how they lord it over their wives and children as if they think they are God!....... I don't like how any church treats women as second class citizens, most churches do.  Racism......What made one president say blacks weren't  good enough for the Priesthood and another decide they were?????? A scripture some where? I consider Visions as dreams and think anyone can have a vision, you need to be worthy of God's time to have one.  Tithing, yes a very good idea, which is an ancient rule.  Gold Plates and that story.....well they produced something that is real.....where so many things the church does is .......the President (a man) , decides on something.......like Obama does with the Constitution!! Angels.......  Oh Yes, I have several loyal angles that have helped me through some hard times and still help me stay safe and well every day......welfare projects.......I commend who ever the man was that had this vision.....our Church has one of the best.  Home teaching......I don't feel the people who are assigned to do it enjoy it anymore than the people who they visit do.  Why not just be a good neighbor to everyone and check on them that way?  Certain clothing like garments.....is there a scripture about them or did Brigham Young just decide one day he needed a business for the many women to work in......I will never understand them. Missionary service.....I give those brave young men and women who give up two years of their young lives for others all my love and admiration......Baptism for the Dead?....One question.....If God is fair and just wouldn't he take care of these people when they die?  Gay marriages......if it means so much to these people.......why do we care what they do?  Temples,......there has always been temples and each religion use theirs as they see fit......why question the Mormons about theirs????  And testimony meetings really bother me...... Don't ever invite a person investigating the church to go on Fast Sunday.......promise it will scare them off for good........I feel how I believe and feel is between God and me and not spouted off  to many people to make me look good.  Thank goodness my kids understand ......poor grandma just doesn't get it.......Hope God does.
Cold rainy day.......Annie gets home from her trip to India with YMAD tonight.......yea!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I always say you can't have too many friends.......!  Why do I have such a variety of acquaintance who are all so different in character?  How can I get along with them all?  I do know that each one helps to bring out a "different" part of me.  With one I am polite.....With another, I joke.........There is one who likes to talk about serious matters.....another makes me laugh a lot......I also hear about problems and listen to their advice for me.
These folks are like jigsaw-puzzles, but when completed they form a treasure box----a complete picture.  They often understand me better than I understand myself and have no qualms about supporting me through good days and bad. 
Even Doctors are now advising that this is good for overall health.  One of my favorites......Doctor OZ .... calls these allies "VITAMIN F".....(for friends and family).....and counts them as essential to well-being.  Research also indicates that anyone in a strong social circle has less risk of depression and terminal strokes.  These so called Vitamin "F's" can make us look and feel 30 years younger than our real age.  So Thank You God for FRIENDS......
Today I am off to one of my favorite groups of friends......one of my bridge clubs.....girls I love, laugh with, cry with and have shared our lives with for many, many years.  A fun lunch, a few games of bridge and lots of catching up since last month's club.  Our 70's have dropped into the 50's......Spring get here! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Today Pam and I took a trip to Provo, Utah to see this wonderful exhibit of Religious Pictures from the castles and churches in Europe at BYU.......we were smart and rented the earphones and narratives about each one......made it very real!  I say thank you to the people who allowed these gems to be removed from their homes and churches for us to share.  I have been lucky and enjoyed many trips to Europe and seen
Wmany churches with fabulous art......nice to have some so close to home!   Lunch at the Olive Garden and home to a storm coming into Salt Lake......
Do you know 50 years ago today....1964...... I was at the 'worlds Fair' in New York City....The first.  Enjoyed the fun and excitement of it all on our way to Europe.  Tasted a Belgium waffle for the first time!
Why do I BLOG every day?????  Well I have always been a 'Journaler'
......but with a blog I can add pictures so I am now a blogger.......My Blog is for passing the time when insomnia strikes and my brain is circling in on itself,  cannibalizing the trivialities of the day and exaggerating the ticking of the clock, reminding me that every minute spent awake is another minute closer to when I'll have to get up, though many of the great artists and sages were insomniacs and that's part of how they get so much done, so if I can't sleep I might as well write and channel my misery into something productive!
Every three months I have my monthly blogs printed into book form......so my journal....(blog) will always be around for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren....HA .....STILL WAITING!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Hurrah....for India

Oh yes,......this is my Annie getting mobbed by little ones in India......she has been gone 10 days and surprised us with a five minute call on Easter.  I have been following her and the YMAD GROUP  on the blog they enter everyday where the kids take turns writing home on how they are doing, what they are learning, what they are seeing and what they are experiencing......like I say, travel is the best education you can give a child.  They are there and are dealing with so many new and exciting things they never dreamed of!!!  In "Cookies"  first blog she informed the family she is not coming home??????"We are going to miss her">>>>>>I love this little girl and am enjoying her trip through the wonderful blogs I read every day as they teach the wonderful children in India.
Looking good! I especially like the uniforms all the girls wear to fit in and keep the girls modest........I am not sure about the hat though?

Sunday, April 20, 2014


HALLELUJAH! HE IS RISEN........"For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."  John 3:16  You learn this story early in life and celebrate it every Easter.....adding in the Bunny and the Eggs.  Easter also seems the time of year to celebrate the beautiful flowers and flowering trees everywhere.....and some times warm weather and sometimes NOT......Today we lucked out it is so nice 72.  The Cooks took me to Little America for Brunch....so much food and so beautifully done and fun with everyone out in their new Easter clothes.  My Scottie looked darling in his light blue checked shirt, tan shorts and brown loafers.....with no socks.....the look I love on young boys.  He is taller than I am now and seems to be recovering well from his concussion of two weeks ago.  We miss Richie, way down in Mexico and Annie far away in India.......but in the middle of brunch her parents got a surprise 5 minute call from her....which made Karrie's day.  Took a fun ride while our meal settled and then home for a two hour nap.....perfect day.
Just got a call from Sherrie.....would I meet she and Kennedy  at the little airport, Darren was flying them in tonight from Vernal.  Her new little Audie convertible is in town being fixed.....Ken has a speech therapist appointment in the morning and tomorrow is his big 16th birthday......April is just full of celebrations in our family.  Yes this has truly been a great weekend .......the kind you never want to end!!!!!  And so many Happy birthday wishes on Face Book...Sister, kids, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, grand nieces and nephews, friends of my girls and distant relatives......looking forward to my next one.

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Yep......on  this 82nd birthday I want everyone to know I am still "Sassy, Classy, and still Kickin' Assy!"........I'm loving life, healthy, happy and have a heart full of gratitude for my many blessings.  I have a wonderful family and enjoying life though my 9 grandchildren.  Today, one is in Mexico.....one of my favorite places in the world......muy bueno......and one in India ......which wasn't my favorite place, but very interesting.  I am spending the day with the Cooks.....off for a hike, a movie and dinner. The Panniers in St. George and the Christensons in Lake Powell. I have heard from many friends and family who really care, no such thing as too many friends.
Yesterday was a great day also.....Coffee and lunch with two really good friends and old neighbors.....Patty Beltz and Ruth Anthony birthdayed me.  Then last night a fun movie with the Cooks and a wonderful dinner.  I feel really spoiled.
                     "There seems to be more reasons to be happy everyday.  Jackpots, windfalls and lucky breaks are wonderful----but I don't need them to be happy!  Every day brings new reasons to give thanks, more blessings to count, and joys.  Big or small, they're always there, waiting to be noticed.....Waiting for me!"  I do hope to have a few more birthdays but that is God's will.....not mine.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I thought I had made it through the  year without getting sick, but this morning woke up unable to breath....bad sinus cold has hit me.......All my family have had various degrees of colds and even strep throat, bad coughs, and sinus......but I guess I spoke to soon.  I found this little receipt that looks like it might work.......something my grandmother would recommend too.  In Richie's letter to the family this week he confessed he had come down with a cold.....his first since he had been on his mission in Mexico......One of the members recommended honey and lime juice and he said he really thought it helped......so will get right on this.  Got to clean house today for the luncheon on Thursday.  Maybe even a little nap.  A bright spot in my morning was reading the blogs of my granddaughter's group who just went to India for a couple of weeks to work with the Children in Hibji.........They are all in cultural shock and in awe of the poverty and yet complete happiness and contentment of the people there.   I say and have said many times.......there is no education for a child like travel.  I can hardly wait to see Annie's comments when it is her turn to write us all.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Well .......she made it to India......a blog sent by the leader shows the happy group having dinner at McDonald's......where else?  They are off to two weeks on an adventure of their young lives helping the children in a tiny village in the interior of India. Be safe and have fun you YMADers.....(Youth Make a Difference).
I just found out I am a HOOKER???? A friend told me that people who like to crochet are called Hookers in the crocheting circle....are Knitters called Needles?   I had no clue of the label and have enjoyed crocheting and knitting for many years......and hope to continue a few more years.........label or not!
Birthday time brings so many old friends back into your circle.  Nadine Lyngle called from St George to say Happy Birthday.....her birthday is May 1st.   Cleon Majors just called and we arranged our annual "Bagels and Coffee" at Ricks Bagels...... her birthday was the 12th........ These are real friends who don't care if you are getting older.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

CHAPTER #35....around the world

LIECHTENSTEIN......A tiny doubly landlocked Alpine country in central Europe......It is bordered by Switzerland to West and South and by Austria to the East and North.  It is just over 62 square miles.  It is ruled by a Prince and  you could easily run into him in the grocery store.   This patch of Alpine meadows, craggy peaks, and vineyards finds itself wedged between Austria and Switzerland.  What it lacks in size, Liechtenstein makes up for with a mighty landscape that swoops up from the marshy  green banks of the Rhine into the cloud-kissed Alps.   This little country grants us a glimpse into Europe's oldest traditions.......like Lenten bonfires and autumn's Wimmlete......wine time.  We did spend a few hours hear but I would love to go back someday and spend some time.


Grandmas like weekends like this......Pictures all over Facebook of her grandchildren having fun and looking great.   The biggest happening was.......the birthday of  my twins on this day...... The handsome guy in tux  is Brayden Christenson with the cute Gabby in yellow at the prom party.....this is his senior year and last prom.....Prom day started off early with his father taking this couple and Brayden's good friend and his date on an airplane ride....wow! Then it was a day of 4-wheeling with the group......ending in dinner at Brayden's house and then off to the dance.   Oh to be young again .......AND.....his little brother Kennedy with his date looking very dabber was in on all the fun and partying......Kennedy is a Sophomore so has more dances ahead for him.
Then my second granddaughter Nicci from Minnesota and her husband Bill were in town for the weekend......Her parents having an Open House for their new home.....so big evening with them and siblings Tiffany and William.  She is so full of it and makes anything a party.  My newly returned Missionary Alex, drove in from Vernal to spend the night with me, go to the Open House and on up to Centerville today for a mission companions Home Coming......So fun to be part of all their lives and witnessing their growing up. I am truly blessed!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014


  Yes, I remember what I was doing 46 years ago today......I was having twins and what a delight and world of excitement that day was......Sherrie came first at 3lbs 13 oz and nine minutes later Karrie at 4 lbs and 5 oz......such tiny beautiful and perfect babies they were even though they were a month early.....So many fun years and wonderful memories this mother has of the past 46 years. They have added six wonderful grandchildren to my family, plus two nice son-in-laws and my blessings go on.....and on.....and on. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014


As Doctor Phil say; "Every pancake has two sides.".........I love this thought on what Erasers can be used for.  If you just try and erase your mistakes and never correct them and try again.....are you learning anything?  Raise your PQ to live longer.......feel happier......and be more successful!  What is PQ?  PQ is short for " positive intelligence quotient,"...... it is a measure of how many upbeat, positive thoughts you have compared to self-doubting ones.  Psychologists say higher PQ scores area linked with greater success and are even shown to help you live 10 years longer!  In fact, "research shows your PQ is the single greatest predictor of how happy you are and how much of your potential you reach."
An important way to do this is to nix negative thoughts is to turn off your  'survival brain'----the part wired for worry and turn on your 'sage brain'----the set of calmer wiser thoughts.  Simply make it a point to focus on one sense----sight, sound touch, hearing or smell for 10 seconds a few times a day. Taste your food, smell the flowers, listen to the birds.......Focusing on your senses is proven to create pathways in your brain that slash stress and strengthen your immune system.  You will feel happier when you explore your world.....exploration boosts your joy and is proven to rev positive intelligence.....How?.....It gives your brain the novelty it craves and literally keeps you young by producing new neural pathways!
That is why I am who I am......I don't want my kids and people saying...."She is such a nice little old lady".....I want
 them to say "Oh Crap, what is she up to now?????"
Scottie was back to the hospital and has a miserable virus......I was going to tend him for a while today, but Karrie is afraid I will catch it......so just hanging out.   Another beautiful Spring day.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Oh.....we had a taste of the wonderful warm weather today......it got up to 79 degrees today....30 degrees above average for the time of year and no guarantee it will last.....but I will take it, even one day at a time.  Couldn't stand it any longer so pulled out the summer furniture and watered my new grass.  Leslie called, makes your day when your only sister left is still there for you......AND my Scottie had to go back to the doctors ......still watching his concussion but has a virus now to go with it.  Pam and I went down town to the "SOUP AND ART SHOW".....I really enjoyed it and fun tasting soup and desert from many of our famous restaurants .....and really gives me the urge to paint!
HAPPINESS is as easy as 1-2-3 so they say.  The first step?  Letting go of the idea that you have to work for it or wait for it.......You do not.  The second step?  Letting yourself dream----a wish list is like a happiness magnet!  The third step? Letting happiness happen! Each day brings so many joys to cherish.  The world holds millions of things you can play with AND a person's feeling is definitely not one of them!

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Reading this little quote......while listening to the last session of the Mormon Conference today......really started me thinking about EVERY THING WE DO STARTS WITH ONE STEP IN SOME DIRECTION!   Even our lives began with our first breath and our lives continued with many "firsts" those first few years. No matter how many books you write or how many pictures you paint......each is an individual and has a first step to begin it........  At 82 (almost).....I am still witnessing many firsts.......and I am enjoying every single one.  I had never stopped to think....yes, every novel starts with a first line, every painting with a first brush stroke and many of our lives adventures with the word "YES"......good and bad. Think about some of your "Firsts".
I think most people will agree life is just more fun when you are treated to happy surprises.......Like a bouquet of flowers, a call from a long lost friend or an afternoon off on the first beautiful day of Spring. I think our homes need some joyful surprises too.......little touches here and there that make us pause and smile.  Pick a bright  new color and do something to give your home and life some verve.  I bought a new rug, got some new pillows, painted a wall and added some fresh flowers in the bright yellow color I decided to add......to brighten things up.    Every home and person will enjoy something different.....a new picture, a new piece of furniture or light fixture.  I am always adding and subtracting something new and it is what keeps you from getting in a rut.
Sherrie and Ken coming to stay all night, Pam and Rob will be home and pick up Bree and I have volunteered to sit with Scottie a few hours every day while Karrie does chores all next week..  He is to be very quiet for two weeks and let his brain heal from the concussion.......doing nothing is not a Scottie thing!   THIS TOO WILL PASS.........

Saturday, April 5, 2014


 I doubt this fun crew (Tiffany, Scott, Rob, Pam and Alex)...... will be listening to Conference today.......but I feel God is everywhere and if they are having fun in God's wonderful outdoors and being good and kind to each other .......he will be happy and understand.  "Would you rather be in church......thinking about being outside having fun.....or outside having fun thinking of God?"  Everyone's personal choice.
News from Karrie, A long sleepless night at the hospital, but Scottie better and would probably be home this afternoon.  So relieved.....now if that happy crew driving their razors over hill and dale will just get home safe I can enjoy my weekend..
I think there are simply joys to be found in he most ordinary things-----twinkling stars, answered prayers, sharing a cup of coffee with a good friend, a call from my kids..  Each day I try to celebrate all the small wonders of life with "positivness.".......so I can be inspired and notice the little blessings God places in my life each day.  When I think back over my days I realize some of the simple joys of a day or relationship turn out to be the biggest miracles of all in my life.

Friday, April 4, 2014


I Love Friday........and Saturday and Sunday.....weekends have never been my favorites as they are usually quite lonesome.....but I have found many interesting things to occupy me now days!......and have seen more of my kids.   We all know the story of the caterpillar becoming a butterfly........it is magical.  Caterpillars are not alone.  People struggle to experience their true potential in becoming fully character ed human beings as well......can we lift ourselves from this muddled existence?  We wonder.......
Yes, "Recreate yourself...Discover your passions.  Complete your purpose in life." At every turn in life we face ourselves.  Caterpillars who learn to fly, listen to their instincts and voice of truth.  Each individual must decide to accept or reject his or her personal flight.  Some prefer to continue crawling, like the caterpillar, in established, ruttish patterns of despondent comfort zones.......Some find pleasure enough in merely observing others in flight, satisfied to experience life through the eyes of another.  Some fly for a brief time, but ill prepared, fall victim to unrealistic expectations and ignored danger in their unfamiliar and, perhaps, somewhat heady role of being a butterfly. Still some embrace the challenge to fly and humbly experience new and rewarding horizons throughout their lifetime!  Whatever you are in life.....listen to your inner core and fly.  You do have a choice!
Today my Scottie took a day off from school to help a friend celebrate his birthday skiing....his mother called from the Primary Children's Hospital to report she and Scottie were there.....He has a bad concussion and will be spending the night there.......No more skiing this year for Scottie. or LaCross for six weeks........ and I am praying it isn't too serious.  I am also praying the Panniers, Hortons and my sweet Alex doing rock running in Moab in their "razors".....will stay safe.
I had a good day ....".Doing my Secret Service"!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

HOW TO LIVE RICHER.....and happier.

 Hey Happy Thursday, Friday, Saturday.....I say every day can be a happy day.....if that is what you choose.
Coco Chanel once proclaimed......there are people who have money and people who are rich.  She was right;  The things we usually prize most ---family, friends, experiences---don't come with a price tag.  But even though we may say money can't buy happiness, many of us secretly believe we'd be happier if we had a little more money.  And in fact there is a connection between happiness and money---you just need to know how to spend your cash. Money is "currency"; that word comes from the Latin root for "to run "or "to flow".   What can we do to make it flow more freely and joyfully in our lives.
Studies say how you feel about money has a powerful effect on your ability to get more of it.  People whose hands are clenched tightly around their cash, they're expressing the fear of not having enough.  When they relax their grip, they tend to act in ways that encourage more money to come into their lives. I love this suggestion and intend to try it soon........Next time you feel up-tight about your cash flow, give away 10 singles....or 5 singles or whatever.....you know slip one in between the pages of some library books......stick a dollar in a pocket or two of a jacket at a used clothing store or a magazine on the rack of your favorite store....come up with your own ideas.  This may seem as if it's about giving away money, but really it's about giving yourself something!  Notice how much creativity you bring to the process, how good it feels to think of others. You can imagine the delight the lucky recipients will feel.  That's a lot of bang for those bucks.....chances are you will feel happier and more relaxed----richer---no matter what your bank statement says! So when money worries arise, make it rain with those singles.  Then relax your body, breath deeply, and count the blessings beyond your wallet. 
THE LAW OF THE UNIVERSE.....Generosity like money, is a currency that tends to get repaid in kind!  There are so many ways even some that do not cost money......a favorite of mine is to write an encouraging few words or  phrases on a "sticky note" and stick them on a back of a cereal box, inside a book, under an item or whatever.....just giving someone a smile or a positive thought is also giving of yourself in another way!.....and feels so good......BUT don't let anyone see or know what you are doing.....it's for you!
Very cold, they got the new Pickle Ball down today and it looks so nice.  Karrie came by and got the things I bought for Richie's box she was mailing.  Tending Bree for the weekend.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


This is just half of my 6 grandsons......that I have had the privilege to help with and watch grow up.....Kennedy 16, Alex 21 and Brayden 19 (almost)..... Christenson. Never having any boys I have learned a lot about boys, thanks to all of them. Asking any of my three daughters they could fill in a lot of interesting goings on.
Handprints on cupboards and shoes in the hall.
Toilet seats up and there is mud on the wall.
Every sports channel to them will appeals
And the front room doubles as a football field.
The selves in the kitchen are continually bare.
There's boys on the couch and jeans on the chairs
Wrestling and mud and cars and noise.......
I am sure you can guess....
I am the Mother of Boys!
I am so happy the girls have been good, patient and understanding Moms and have raised wonderful boys that I am very proud of.  2nd of April and I am watching the biggest snow flakes ever falling out my back window......Thought about doing some chores but may not even get out of my jamies today!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Today might be "APRIL FOOLS DAY",......but the hug I got at the airport from my first missionary Alex when he got home......was real!  April has always been a special month for my family......no foolin'.......I was born in April, my only brother Jim and my favorite cousin ,Lucille were born on the same day in April.  I got married in April......58 years ago on the 28th......then I had a set of twins Sherrie and Karrie ,in April........And my fifth grandson Kennedy was born in April........ VERY SPECIAL MONTH!
Having cold rainy, snowy weather.....it must be spring.....almost.  Karries really hurting today and so tired.  She just won't stop and take care of herself with that fibermyalga......Think of this.....take a moment for yourself.....but how many young MOMS feel they can?  It is easier than you think to say goodbye to the blahs and hello to more energy, fresh confidence, and a brand-new outlook;  Just be good to yourself!  Do something that nurtures your mind, body and spirit.  The result: a better-than-ever-you!  I know.....easier said than done.......HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY....