Monday, August 1, 2011


My summer project is to sort and mount my favorite pictures of my last 25 years of traveling around the world. I typed up all the journals I had of each trip and will have them to explain the pictures. As you read my notes of the trip you can see what I saw at the time. In one bundle up poppped the pictures of me when I was probably 20. A fun day at Elitch's Theme park in Denver, Colorado. Like our Lagoon, only larger! The girl with me on the bicycle is Charlene Kniseley, she was a high school friend and a year older than I was. I have no idea where Charlene is these many years later, but remember her with fondness. I have no idea who the guy playing the guitar is. I just know it must of been a fun and exciting day for me with friends. Pictures are the little anchors we cherish that document our lives. I probably would never have thought of that day again if it weren't for these pictures. Yes, I was young once? In later years I went dancing to the "Big Bands" that use to be at Elitches......with Clifford!

Kennedy is with me this week for a speech seminar, every morning at nine till one. Sher and Kar are off to LA on a purse buying trip. It is cloudy today, but we may get Scottie and and try to swim. Kennedy is a fish. I love having my grand-kids around.

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