Saturday, July 30, 2011


As I watch the tired white faced clock on the wall hand me the minutes of my life----one-----by one-----what will I do with them? I cherish every single one of the them. A single moment can change everything. And, every day has 1,440 of them. I believe in myself, Whatever challenges come my way, I can meet them. Whatever obstacles I encounter, I can find my way around them. Any roadblock, detour or setback along the way in my life are only temporary. I am on the way to a succesful and happy life.
So with all those positive thoughts, I welcome two new members to my extended family. The picture above is of Nicci and Bill and today they are bringing home a new "Havenese puppy" named Oliver! I didn't know the word "Havenese", but it was explained to me this breed was developed in Havana, Cuba. They were not allowed outside the country, but someone smuggled out the puppies that are now bred in the United States. Heck, all my relatives have foreign ancesters. Congratulations new parents......AND ,today a very special niece is being married in the Snowflake Temple. Congratulations to Korina and Bill. And the minutes of my life continue to tick on with wonderful fulfilment.

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