Saturday, July 16, 2011


Day by day I am moving toward 80 years of living on this wonderful earth. Each morning when I get up, open the newspaper and turn on the TV worries me more as to where we are heading in the future. What is wrong with the men and women we elected and pay good wages to,to run our country as it should be? The Metaphore of the little girl and the atheist tells the story. We the citizens are the little girl and the atheist are the so called leaders:

An atheist sits down by a little girl on the airplane and says would like to talk? The little girl agrees to talk. Let me ask you the atheist says what you think about no God, no heaven or hell and no life after death. The little girls said that could be interesting, but first let me ask you a question. A horse, a cow and a deer all eat grass. Yet a deer excretes pellets, a cow a flat patty and a horse produces clups, Why? The atheist thought a a moment and confessed he had no idea. Well, said the little girl, do you really feel qualified to discuss why there is no God,no heaven or hell or life after death..........When you don't know shit!

Our leaders have lost all since of direction for the country, strickly for their power and glory. Life as we know it is changing. Today is another big charity push for RIchard Benj. group to go to the Phillipines. A carnival at the Mormon Pioneer Village, the parents are helping and Scottie and I are hanging out. Got to get serious about house cleaning for bridge here Monday night.

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