Thursday, July 28, 2011


We watch the news every morning to see what the weather is forcast for the next few days.....or week. Some times the weather man gets it right and sometimes he does not! So I have decided what the heck......I'm just going to make my own good weather! At my age I have decided every days a good day when I "wake up" and can "get out of bed by myself." Those two things can really make a persons day a "good day." Did you realize, your greatest wealth is your health? So today was a good day, Karrie came by to help me with a computer question. Later in the day, Darren and Sherrie dropped Kennedy off to spend the afternoon with me, then came back for a short visit before they meet the boys for dinner and go to their cabin in Park City. Then Pam called and wanted to go swimming. It is so nice when the children come around without you begging them to. They don't realize how lonesome you get sometimes. AND someday, if they don't set a good example, their children may not feel it necessary to take the time to visit their parents. It's just one of those things.......what goes around, comes around!

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