Sunday, July 10, 2011


Some people are very much into Karma.......I have never given it much thought, but see many articles about it now days. Karma is often totally misunderstood in the West as fate or predestination; it is best thought of as the infallible law of cause and effect that governs the universe. The word karma literally means, "action," and karma is both power latent within actions, and the results our actions bring. In simple terms, what does having karma mean? It means that what ever we do, with our body, speech, or mind, will have a corresponding results. Each action, even the smallest, is pregnant with its consequences. Karma does not decay like external things, or ever become inoperative. It cannot be destroyed "by time, fire or water." Its power will never disappear.

Although the results of our actions may not have matured yet, they will inevitably ripen, given the right conditions. Usually we forget what we do, and it is only long afterward that the results catch up with us. By then we are unable to connect them with their causes. The results of our actions are often delayed, even into future lifetimes; we cannot pin down one cause, because any event can be an extremely complicated mixture of many karmas ripening together. So we tend to assume now that things happens to us "by chance" and when eveything goes well, we simply call it "good luck." And yet what else but karma could really begin to explain satisfyingly the extreme and extraordinary differences between us? Even though we may be born in the sme family or country, or in similar circumstances, we all have different characters, totally different things happen to us, we have different talents, inclinations and destinies.

As Buddha says, "What you are is what you have been, what you will be is what you do now." I guess what I get from all the articles is; your present life is what your past life was and your future life is what your present life is........I want to learn more about this Karma stuff.

The day has turned windy and rainy, so not so hot. Off to Panniers to dinner tonight.

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