Saturday, July 23, 2011


I am a list maker, always have been, but seems the older I get the more I have relied on them. I read where your conscious mind can handle 40 pieces of information---including what you see, hear, smell, taste, feel and think--per second. Our subconscious mind--which manages all our involuntary physical processes, like breathing and digestion--can handle more than 100 million pieces of information per second. Our wonderful subconscious mind with just a few suggestions, hints and reminders will follow through for you. You know like when you have to get up at five, and even though you set your alarm, you wake up several times anticipating the alarm, that's your subconscious doing its job. "Send your subconscious the right messages, and your body will act on them." If your serious about losing weight, send your subconscious some instructions to let you know if what you are eating is healthy or junk, let your food satisfy you for hours, and really desire good tasting, healthy food. Another interesting thing about our wonderful mind: if you want someone to listen to into or in the direction of their RIGHT ear. It was found most people are more likely to do someone a favor when it's spoken in their right ear rather than their left. That's because the right ear corresponds with the left hemisphere of the brain, which helps process information and find solutions to problems. The right side of the brain, on the other hand, is more involved with withdrawl and avoidance behavior. So when you want your husband, kids of friends to do something for you.........remember to stand on their right side when telling or requesting anything!!!! Pam texted they are having fun at the lake, Sherrie called and they are having fun at the sand dunes in Idaho. Karrie called and they were off to clean the church. Well, thats life.

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