Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Came down Sunday night with some kind of a bug, up all night with horrible stomach cramps. Spent a couple of days hanging around the bed. Much better today, but not best yet. The twins have been very attentive with food and concern, mothers just don't get sick! Sherrie and Darren came in Monday for a autism meeting at the library, on the way in Sher called Kar and she mentioned she might be moving to Boston........and was taking me with her. Well, poor Sherrie cried all the way in and could not go to the meeting, so Darren's Mom went with him. Yes, I told Karrie if she moved I was going with them, but I would be back. Then when they went to Missouri on a family trip they left their little dog with Darren's dad. Bud's dog was 18, blind and deaf and fell off the dock in Lake Powell and drowned a few weeks ago. Bud has been very sad, but determined not to get another dog. Well, two weeks with Cody and he was changing his mind, and so was Cody about going home to Vernal. Sherrie and Darren were torn, but decided both Bud and Cody needed each other. I guess Bud was so happy he cried and..........Sherrie cried all the way back to Vernal because she loved that little dog! It seems when God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. " The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you. Something good will happen to you, something that you have been waiting for." So you can see life is never dull around here.

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