Monday, July 18, 2011


I'll drink to that! 25 years ago today my husband of 30 years waltzes in and announces that he had just been to see a lawyer and had filed for divorce and was suing me for mental cruelty!!!!! Not a favorite day back then. I didn't argue, cry, scream or yell. I just went to the pantry got a box of big black garbage bags and told him to start packing......Oh yes, I opened a bottle of Metuse wine and got a straw and followed him around the house telling him what he could take and what he couldn't. When the pickup truck was full he drove out of the children and my lives. 25 years ago today......Yes, it took me awhile to get over REJECTION and then I realized how lucky the kids and I were. After my last daughter was married and I was off to Morooco in a few days, I went in and got my hair done and was moaning to my hairdresser. He listened patiently and then suggested I send my X a thankyou note for leaving and opening many new doors for a whole new life. I went home and did just that which seemed to finally close the door on 30 years of marriage. The family and I ralleyed and bonded together and have had a great 25 years of having and raising nine wonderful grandchildren, the loves of my life. I hadn't planned ahead when I set up bridge at my house tonight, then remembered the date and thought why not make it a party........a 25 year single party for me! Any time you get together with old friends is party time.........maybe a little bridge too.

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