Saturday, July 2, 2011


I have been thinking about the meaning of words and how we use them. Words have the power to start wars or create peace, destroyrelationships or strengthen them. How we feel about anything is shaped by the meaning we attach to a word. Words are triggering devices. If you doubt this imagine someone calling you a four-letter word. Most likely this will create a physiological, not just a mental change in you. Take the 'F' word used constantly and in many different scenerios justsubstitute a word you like which changes the feeling for you. Say butter, or whatever you like. Butter you! Your buttered up! Your a buttered idiot! Put the 'F' word everywhere I put butter and see how to change words that upset you by putting in something that doesn't. The power to instantly transform emotions, to lower or heighten their intesity, Anthony Robbins calls, Transformational Vocabulary. Is our language important in shaping our experience of life? The words we attach to our experience become our experience. Mark Twain once said,"A powerful agent is the right word. Whenever we come upon one of those intensely right words....the resulting effect is physical as well as spiritual, and electrically prompt." Doctors know this and are careful of their words. Think of the emotions the word "cancer" emits in a person......just one example. "people with impoverished vocabularies have a multi-hued palette of colors with which to paint their life's exerience, not only for others, but for themselves." I think I need to get out the dictionary and learn at least one new word everyday.

Picked up my new glasses today, took in a few garage sales and now am off to feed Pam's dogs.

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