Friday, July 1, 2011


Today feels like a Wabi-Sabi day to me, you know look at the bad and find something good about it! "The Lord dosen't judge folks til they die.....wonder why most folks think they have the right while they are still alive."

The way I look at it, every woman is a journey of her own life. At my age I feel I should do what makes me feel OK and not worry what others think. Since watching the Tony awards I made up my mind to go see "The Mormon Musical" on Broadway in New York when I am there in October. There will be a group of 8 of us (mostly family), meeting to go on a cruise. We are all Mormon and because it may be x-rated six do not want to go. My sister is going with me, but she seems to be on the fence. I don't expect anyone to go to please me, but again I do not want to be critized because I am going. Most my family members have no doubt been up and down in the eyes of the Lord, but now have all at once gotten a little "Hollier Than Thou" attitude. Suck it up cupcake, it's just someones funky ideas about our religion, feel sorry for them. From the ratings and the fact it won the Tony Awards and 9 of the 13 awards out there. Can it be all that bad?

I know this too will pass and a hundred years from now who will care. It is a free country and and I am also a good person.

"We don't stop going to school when we graduate." ---Carol Burnett

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