Wednesday, June 29, 2011


"You are so much more than you give yourself credit for." That thought made me stop and we women give ourselves the credit we deserve for the endless tasks we preform, for the service we are on call 24 hours for, especially those who have or have had a family. I look at my three daughters and their daily schedules and wonder how they keep it all together, even though Iam sure I lived the same kind of life when I was their age. I had twins and a 11 year old daughter, so they definitely were not on the same page, also a husband who was a pilot and never home to help, no parents or siblings in town to help. When you think of all the little things you do and think that they don't add up to much, but they multiply. You may think you are just like everyone else, but you are a blessing, a gift, a gem.......How could you ever think you were just ordinary? Nothing would be the same without you. You are loved and cherished by many. Every day we should pat ourselve on the back and know a job well done. Today was ladies day bridge and as usual great to see everyone. I am on standby to monitor three grandchildren for a couple of days, never fear they will hear from me regularly.........Yesterday the cooks bought and put up a new screen door on my patio, my four legged great-grandchild made her own doggie door, but is long gone and no one was bothered by it but me. I do appreaciate my kids help and concern. Sherrie's family is off to Navoou for the Fourth of July. Tomorrow we can kiss June goodby, it has been a very busy and fun month!

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

I should have purchased that for you, it was my child that did it. Sorry Gram! I'll talk to the Cooks to see if I can help.