Friday, June 3, 2011

TO DO LIST........

Can't believe how the days just slip by, then the weeks and months! I do love late in the day when your though with all you plan to do. I love that time of night when the sky swallows the sun and gives birth to the moon. But lately too often this time of year the moon disappears and takes the stars with it making the heavens weep. I think it has rained every night this month. The lawns are green and the water bills are down though.

I have been thinking about creating a "to do list" know list all the things that need to be done every week of your life. Vacuum, dust, mop floors, bathrooms, water plants, clean the fish bowl, change the sheets laundry etc., etc, etc. Through the week I could check off the things I got around to that day.......or not! Days go by and I try to remember the last time I dusted. I do the laundry when I run out of the underwear I like and all that's left are the kinda raggedy ones, then I do laundry. This way I could check my list to see how long it had been since I cleaned the toilets. You can always get in my house, but don't check out the corners. Cobwebs are harmless? I remember the days when I was married and we had a big golden retriever which shed like crazy. I vacuumed every day, besides it made the shag carpet stand up and look nice. Those days are over for me, I have arthritis and it hurts my back now and I have up graded to hardwood floors.

And then again......why not a list of "things not to do" instead of being roped in by a "To do list". Don't go shopping on black Friday, don't eat outside with bugs, don't dust until you can write your name in the dust. You know use your last years to waste your time on the computer, rearranging your photo albums. Take up painting, volunteering, playing bridge or having fun with the grandkids and just be happy. "Anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."

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