Tuesday, June 7, 2011


When you think about it "a birthday is the first day of another 365 day journey around the sun......enjoy the trip." Everybody is God's somebody and we should feel very important as we live out our days. Today I had Karrie signed me and the three girls up for a cruise for my 80th birthday........next April. It will also be the twins 45th while we are gone. God has been so good to me. Oh yes, today is my X's 82nd birthday, just thought I'd throw that in?

Karrie and I worked on the stuff for her garage sale coming up in two weeks. The family is working on earning money for Richard B. to do a work program in the Phillipines the first part of next year.......what a great little Mom......so much work. Sherrie has been through that when she and Brayden decided to do a work program in Africa. Such great girls. It has been a good chance for the family to clean out a few closets.

Ann, my old travel partner called this morning from the hospital to tell me she fell in the bath tub Sunday and broke her back, she has been struggling to get over a stroke she had. At this age,(a year younger than me) ,she realizes she should have taken better care of herself, lost weight, exercised more, and not over medicated, all of which she was guilty. I am worried about her that she will get discouraged and just give up. Hopefully Sherrie and Kennedy are coming to stay all night with me.

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