Saturday, June 4, 2011


Labyrinths are ancient symbols that represents a journey to our center and back into the world. They have been used for meditation and prayer for centuries by ancient civilizations up to the present. They can be made of stone, grass, fabric, sand, sticks, almost anything. They can be elaborate or very plain they all serve the same purpose . I would love one in my back yard. Diana Carulli has created them all over the world.

Hopefully as you walk or after you walk a labyrinth it will remind you to live this moment. To enjoy each meal, the weather, the touch of a loved one, the friendships or hug of a grandchild. Day by day you will be collecting golden experiencers that help you be the great person you are ment to be.

You walk with no expectations in mind, concentrating on the path, just seeing what happens. It is like a maze, no deadends. It is suggested, find a word you would like and use it as a mantra while you walk. I would love to make labyrinths available for everyone. This is such a stressful time in our world. No jobs, homes lost, divorce, children bullied. We need a cheap escape, a place to maybe find peace and sort things in our life out..........I can't figure out why all at once this is so important to me? A very quiet weekend.

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