Monday, June 27, 2011


Wow, I hate it when I hit something I shouldn't then don't know how to get back to where I was........But as I was saying when I lost it......Leslie and I have tickets to go see "The Mormon Musical" in New York. It won the best of plays on Broadway at the Tony's award this year. Some of our group won't go because they can't tolerate everyone thinking Mormonism isn't perfect for everyone, and some decided the price ($210.00) a ticket was to high, they just haven't been to New York before.

We have two Mormons running for President of the US now. Their religion has been tossed around a lot and will no doubt continue to be discussed in many forms. "Whether Mormonism is admired or dispised it is at least being acknowledged". Finally the conversation about the LDS movement is no longer simply the subject of a pro or con debate. The church has taken up all the free advertisements of Mormons out there and using it to our advantage. Yes, I am a Mormon but hopefully not a "holelier than thou "one. This will just add some frosting to a fun cruise a couple of days later.

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