Wednesday, June 22, 2011


You know, after a dozen hours of watching Sponge Bob he kinda grows on you! Been keeping Kennedy this week while Sherrie is at girls camp. Kens two favorite things to do at Grammies is to go to the swimming pool and watch TV. Seems he can always find a channel with Sponge Bob surviving some crisis. I love to hear him laugh. You know what they say it makes you healthy to laugh every day. Kennedy is 13, a head taller than I am and very thin.......he has the longest legs in the world. I had bridge last night so he got to sleep over with his cousin Scottie Cook and Karrie said they were up pretty late last night so I think we will both crash tonight. He went to his speech class this morning and they took a group to the ZOO which he loved. They don't have a Zoo in Vernal. When he and his brothers were small we visited the Zoo regularly, but that has been awhile, so it was something fun and new for him today. His Dad will pick him up tomorrow some time and his mini vacation will be over. I love it when the grandkids still want to stay with me but it won't be long until they are all past that. Tiff 29, Nicci 25, William 20, Alex 18, Richie 17, and Brayden and Andrea both 16 next month, at these ages they have their own agendas and don't need a baby sitter. So I am clinging to Kennedy 13 and Scottie 9.........and making lots of fun memories.

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