Thursday, June 16, 2011


When we are born we have a destination; the path is but the detail, it can change many times as we travel down our road of life. We all know our final destination is death......and returning to God. I always tried to stay on the path that would be best for me. I was lucky and chose a wonderful family to be born in. My folks guided and directed me well and set a good examples for me. Of course, I had the free will to choose my path. I grew up, went to college, became a stewardess, these were all in my life's plan. I found a nice man that would be the father of my children. I wanted him to be a hard working, educated, nice looking person who would contribute good genes for happy healthy and cute children. Done......then I came to a bump in my road I had not planned on and I was shattered! Of course, I am only human. But as all strong women find when faced with a crisis I picked up the broken pieces put them back together and have found PEACE. You are never alone in your life's trip to your destination, But after a crisis in your life you may find you have travel mates that aren't to pleasant. Anger, bitterness, despair and grief. It is up to you to decide if you let them be your "forever" travel companions. I must admit it does take a while to get rid of these travel mates, but I have replaced them with new ones, love, peace, confidence and happiness. I look forward to the rest of my trip to my destination, it only gets better.

"A journey's best part is the return home."

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