Sunday, June 19, 2011


This man I adored! He was always there for me, and never disappointed me by always being there and backing me, even though he may not have always agreed with my decisions. He was honest, kind, hardworking and his life was his family (five children) and wife. He was an outdoors man. He loved fly fishing and hunting deer and elk. His big hobby was what we called "Indian digging" which now is very illegal. It seemed to relax him digging in the dirt and the smell of sagebrush mingaling. He was the oldest boy in a family of 8 and after his father's death when he was a senior in high school, he worked hard to help his mother and the five younger brothers and sisters survive. He was a good football player in high school and loved to play tennis. He was six foot tall, always slender (or skinny) with black hair and grey eyes that crinkled when he smiled and laughed. He was living in St George in a fun little trailer and taking care of the horses on the property when he died at 75. My girls also loved him so much and he was a good grandpa...."papa" as they called him. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD!

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