Monday, June 20, 2011


Yesterday was my oldest grandchild's 29th birthday.......I just turned 79 in April so I guess I was 50 when my wonderfull life as a "Grammie" began. Thanks Tiff, the last 29 years have been the greatest.........or maybe I should thank your Mom also. This is Tiff and her cute husband Scott.

Tomorrow is Rob's birthday, Tiff's father. So a big Happy Birthday to Robbie. I guess Tiff's birthday also marks 29 years ago Rob became a Dad. Yesterday was Father's Day so we had a big celebration for both of them. Pam and Rob had a fun bar-b-q to celebrate. Rob's family all came and honored Rob's dad, Bud Pannier for father's day. I look forward to our get together every year to see all the fun people that I have known forever........It poured and poured and was too cold to eat outside. Summer starts tomorrow, here's hoping the weather starts acting like summer.

Sherrie is at Girl's Camp all week so Grandma Kay and I get to share Kennedy all week.

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

Thanks Gram!! It was wonderful having you there yesterday. I hope you and Kenny have a great week.