Thursday, July 21, 2011


I'm not much for hiking in the wilds, cooking over a campfire or sleeping under the stars. No, my idea of spending time with Mother Nature is reclining in a comfy chair in my own garden. Yes, there was a time when I was growing up and also when my children were small ,(you do about any thing for your children), I camped out in rain, wind and mesquitos and bear. I do still love cooking out, but as for sleeping under the stars.......been there done that!
Because of the four seasons where I live and my outside garden goes to sleep for months I just bring my garden to the patio and then inside. I have plants everywhere. I have a fountain that brings the sound of water into the house to sooth. Then I usually have a fun fish bowl with one or two little critters that are unnecessary, but fun . This way I am never faced with dead, dull, dried up outside to look at. Life is just to short to have to wait for that short window of beautiful summer flowers. I am not much for dried flowers, but I find year around you can always buy beautiful fresh bouquets of flowers at Costco or your neighborhood stores. This then is my message to myself; I can become only who I am. And I can live only this particular life that I have been given so why not fill it full of all the beautiful things of life. Sherrie spent the night with me and we had a fun visit. Today she took me to Costco and I bought a safe to put all my treasures in. I have them hid all over the pockets of clothes in the closets, shoe toes, behind pictures, shoe boxes, under the bed, in books, you know all those wonderful hiding places that you soon forget about 10 minutes after you put them there. I don't really have a lot that others would consider treasures, but they are to me!!!!!! Tonight is board meeting for the condo, every third Thursday of the month.

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