Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I hate to see summer end for many reasons, but one of them is that my little summer friends will soon be off to Mexico or some exotic warm place for the winter. Early in the spring I put out my hummingbird feeder and soon I had one, then two very regular little birds visit me every day. I named them Jack and Jill. One was a little larger and brighter than the other so thought it might be the male. They have become very tame and if I stand perfectly still they completely ignor me and go about their daily routine. They don't pay any attention to Gigi. The past couple of weeks I have seen a third little guy and he and Jack seem to get into it as if Jack is defending his territory. I have spent many relaxing hours watching them busy at work. I have many pots of flowers on the patio this summer and love my fountain's soothing rippling sound. A good place to get out my Kindle and enjoy a good book as I watch Jack and Jill in the cool of the summer evening. It will end only to soon and my friends will soon fly away, but they have given me much pleasure this summer. Hummingbirds are a new world phenomenon, living only in the western hemisphere. There are 330 know species in the world, mostly live south of the US. In Utah broadtailed and black-chinned are most common. World News: Two earth quakes yesterday in the U.S., one in Colorado and one near Washington D C. And Gadhafi was over thrown in Libya. So many changes in our world.

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