Monday, August 15, 2011


Where did the last 16 years go? Andrea Rachelle you have been such a fun member of our family. Always full of surprises. Today you are 16, and no doubt you and your mother are on your way to get your drivers license. How exciting. (I was 16 once.) You made cheerleader and elected captain of your squad. You had a job all summer as a life guard. Now summer is ending and school starts next Monday. Homework, ballgames and proms. The best is yet to come. I am so proud of you and know your gram is always near by watching you turn into a beautiful young lady.

Went to breakfast with the cheer squad this morning and got to meet all the cute girl friends. Had fun birthday shopping last week, of course she looks good in anything. There is something special about girls from the time they don their tu-tus to their cheerleading outfits. I know because I had three little girls. GO GIRL...........

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