Wednesday, August 10, 2011


"I do not know what lies beyond the horizon, only that the road I walk was meant for me. It is enough.": Alan Christaffersen

We can spend our days bemoaning our losses, or we can grow from them. Ultimately the choice is ours. We can be victims of circumstance or masters of our own fate, but make no mistakes, we cannot be both. We are all on a walk of life. There are people I've yet to meet who are waiting for my path to intersect with theirs, so they can complete their own journeys, and I can complete mine. We all arrive with a round-trip ticket from where we came from---which is inevitable. After a devastating happening in your life they say "time heals everything"---Time does not heal every thing. It's what You do with the time that helps you heal......This I believe.

But it does take time, which too many people do not give their problems. Getting over the rejection of my divorce took at least five years, some people move on in a year or two as if nothing happened. It doesn't work like that. Pam got home from Minnesota safely today and had a good time with Nicci. The twins both called and checked on me, which always makes my day........somebody out there cares. Been cleaning house today, my turn for the travel group luncheon and domino game here Friday. Wow, exciting!

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