Friday, August 5, 2011


Yesterday I spent about six hours with two dear friends in what we call our group therapy sessions over coffee and diet cokes. We each had our complaints to make about what is going on in our lives, sometimes we take turns talking and sometimes we all talk at once.......anyway at the end of time together we all feel better, even if we may not have accomplished a lot. One thing that always comes up in these sessions is letting go of old images of ourselves. It is so hard not to compare ourselves now as to what we use to be. We compare ourselves to younger people. Hey, we were young once and all those young people will grow old ( if they are as lucky as we are!) With a lot of "use-to-bes" we are living in the past. I use-to-be thin. I have many pictures of myself to prove that. (The picture at the left was taken in London on a trip with my sister Dixie and the twins. It was a couple of years after my divorce.) I use to love to walk and did it very well, I had no aches and pains and could take the stairs two at a time, but through the years things change. I need to give up the use-to-be thoughts, and each morning when I look in the mirror be content with the reality match of my present state and the time of life. It's been a fun week with my grandson Kennedy staying with me and having Sherrie here a couple of nights. Karrie's family were lonesome without her this week. Yes, families need mothers but mothers need a break now and then. The girls had a fun shopping trip to LA this week. They always surprise me with fun things.

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