Sunday, August 14, 2011


Well, here it is the middle of August which means we only have a couple of weeks of summer left. It has been a fun summer, but gone too fast. I have made many memories that I can look back on. Went up one of our wonderful canyons on the Fourth of July with the Cooks....Richard made us a wonderful breakfast that always tastes better in the good ole mountain air. Proof in his cooking skills are the perfect little round pancakes you see. Mean while the three grandchildren discovered a fun cherry tree right by the campsite and proceeded to see who could climb the highest........I guess Richie won. School starts in a week and I think the mother's are more excited about it than the kids. All my grandchildren are hard workers and the older ones all had jobs this summer. Was fun seeing Korina yesterday for dinner, she had brought Kourtney a piano and bar-b-Q she didn't need now that she is married. I hadn't seen Matt or Kameron for a long time and they have really grown up. Off to a family reunion tonight. Four family birthdays next week.......guess we will be busy!

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