Saturday, August 13, 2011


When four old friends get together for a day of lunch and games and all talking at once discussing, children and X husbands you really get an ear full. We have all been divorced, two of them twice yet, but at this time all single and loving it. "While life may not be the party we hoped for, while we're here we should dance because every sixety seconds spent in anger, being upset or mad, is a full minute of happiness that you never get back." We all had our thoughts on our past: "As the days go by I think of how lucky I am that your not here to ruin it for me!"........and yet another thought: "Looking back over the years that we were together, I can't help but wonder.....what the hell was I thinking?" "Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to their option!" And then I say, "Don't be sad because it's over........Be happy because it happened!" We all had to go there with the best of intentions at first, but how else could I have gotten the three wonderful daughters that came about because of my 30 years of marriage. Ann had five daughters which she needs, plus the grandchildren, to help her to the end of her life. Yep, worry looks around, Sorry looks back and Faith looks up. Already we are planning our next fun get together.

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