Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Today is a very special day for me: First my mother would be 100 today if she were still alive, and second my fourth grandson was born and today is a big 16 years old. Happy Birthday Brayden. Was he cute, or what? And still is. He is an Eagle Scout and spent two weeks in Ghana, Africa last summer building desks for a new school. I understand for this special birthday he starts flying lessons. Oh yes, and gets his drivers licence. He already has a neat white truck he has been fixing up to drive off to the first day of school........ I guess flying is in his blood, with both grandfathers and his father pilots, and I was a stewardess many years ago. We have always loved his talent for wiring anything with an off and on button.......or not. I look forward to watching Brayden continue to grow and become the great man I know he will be. Two August birthdays down and two to go. Pam 18th, Richard 19th. Lucky me.

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