Monday, August 8, 2011

Word Against Me Day.....

We all have those days, "World Against Me Day" when everything we do goes wrong. Well, today was one of those days for my daughter Karrie. You can and should always blame the alarm clock, because that is usually when it all starts. I guess life gives us those days so we will appreciate our good days more. I learned a little poem once: For every problem under the sun, there is an answer or there is none. If there is one, then try to find it, If there is none, then never mind it. I try to think what would make a day bad? You put your bra on backwards and it fits better? Your twin sister forgets your birthday? You put both contacts in the same eye? You take 2 kinds of laxatives, no food, no water for 2 days preparing for a colonoscopy, and find you had the wrong day? You have been on a diet for 10 days and all you have lost is.......10 days? Most the things we let ruin our day are not life threatening and so we do not need to worry or get stressed. There are only two days about which we should not worry, Yesterday with its mistakes and cares. It has passed and is forever beyond our control, it is gone. The other, tomorrow, with all its possible burdens and adversities. Tomorrow is beyond our immediate control, for now tomorrow does not exist. So I hope Karrie has a better day tomorrow and everyone out there. I had a good day, got most my chores done.......

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