Thursday, December 30, 2010


"My Once Upon A Time Stories" I have discovered, are really my "Here And Now" stories.
Have you ever had a "Do Nothing Day?" You read the paper, catch up on the pile of magazines your behind in or play solitaire on the computer for hours........maybe talk on the phone or take a nap!
My generation and even my children's generation were brought up to think that doing nothing with your time was a sin. You would grow up and be a "No gooder". Now days most kids don't have those feelings. A good work ethnic is instilled in young children and passed on to their children some day. But, now in my advanced years I find doing nothing once in awhile is what I need. Of course, if I did that every day....heaven forbid, I'd weight a ton, be a real slob and probably turn to drink out of boredom. So I am just searching for the middle of the road and not worry about it.
Every year at this time I start thinking about my next New Years Resolution.....You know go on a diet, clean bathrooms and dust more often. Maybe start going to church. But face it, at my age I'm not really going to change. So to my family and friends I say: There were probably many times this year when.......I MAY.......have disturbed you, troubled you, pestered you, irritated you, bugged you or got on your nerves....and so after much thought and contemplation I just wanted to warn you.......SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE!!! Cause there are NO CHANGES planned for 2011. Happy New Year.

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