Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year from Gigi and I. Don't you just love our mother-daughter matching outfits???? I get the feeling Gigi isn't to thrilled. It is a freezing cold New Years Day, but I don't's good to just be here to enjoy it.
Have you noticed how life is one long series of changes? Just when you think you have gotten things under control something changes and off you go again. You get married, you have children, they grow up, move away into their own lives, grandchildren, death of parents, siblings, friends. You gain weight, hair gets gray, you get aches and pains. Do you give up? Never, grin and bare it and keep going.
As the years pass and I begin to enjoy and cherish more than ever the years I have left in life I become more at peace. In my many years of traveling and the thrill of learning some thing new every where I go,I see life is an adventure. Enjoy it! Think of yourself as a tourist in your own life. Look at everything, listen to everything and get emotional to really feel it.
I have been very lucky traveling to around 120 countries in the world. Each place I have been has added another layer to the person I am now. These new experiences and wonderful people I've met have all had a hand in making me the person I am today. Of course, no one gets through life without some devastating crisis in their lives-----like divorce after 30 years of marriage, the death of my mother at 58 from cancer, two younger sisters going before me. But, with the right attitude things go on and in some cases even get better. I am looking forward to 2011 taking each day at a time and filling it with thanks for whatever God has for me.

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