Monday, January 24, 2011


I have been doing some New Years cleaning and ran across a note book where I dutifully journaled what was going on in the family. It was 10 years ago for the first part, we were facing the millennium year 2000.
WOW, 10 years ago......time really flys. This is history, my history, my children's history. I do love history! Check the following:
Love is family and family is love. A wonderful year is celebrated by the big new Millennium. Everyone on hold and we feel we should stay home, with tourists threats for travelers.
The Christensons......Sherrie busy with scrapbook business, "Sassy Frog." Darren sneaking in a little snowmobiling and his other many interests. Alex turned 8 and was baptised, he is getting tall and knows cars inside and out. Brayden, my wire wizard. He is such an interesting fellow. My Kennedy, happy following big brothers around and being mama's baby. Beautiful blond curly hair.
The Cooks......Karrie invented lights and cut outs in paper and joined Sherrie's interest in her "Cookie Cutters" and scrap booking. Karrie is still praying for one more little one. Richard loves Sadie and has lots of new projects. Annie takes dance lessons and is mighty feisty. She loves dolls and friends. Very independent with an attitude. Richie B. is into soccer, swimming lessons and sports. Bicycle, scooter, roller blades, basket ball, TV games. Sadie dog keeps them all in good spirits.
Panniers.......Pam and Rob are too busy. We never see Pam with her two jobs, and new member of the family "Sir Charles." My Tiff went off to Appleton, WI to college to swim.....(they didn't ask me if she could go that far) and I miss her. Nicci winning a dozen dance awards and into her school marching group. She drives next year! Will is a great baseball player. His passion but also a good swimmer. Lots of friends and good grades in school.
The big news is the Cooks presented us with a new family member. Scott Calvin Cook, born Oct. 19Th,five weeks early. We needed a new member in our family. Richie B. turns 8 and will be baptised. Annie is learning Violin and had a great dance review. Richard has many projects and Kar made us a new baby. Both busy with church.
The other big even, The Christensons bought a new house and moved in a couple of days after baby Scottie was born. In between selling the old house and moving into the new one, they lived with grandma Betty 6 weeks. Alex is learning to be a wall climber and taking ski lessons, art lessons and is a good swimmer. Brayden is busy wiring everything in sight, and has learned to swim. Beautiful blond curly hair Kennie loves pudding, rolly polly on TV. He gives us lots of love and fun. Mom, Sherrie goes 100 miles an hour in every direction and daddy Darren finds time to 4 wheel, snowmobile and river run.
Panniers spend many hours watching and helping Will with baseball games and swim meets and lots of school honors and programs. Nice having Pam around more all fall, but she keeps busy, busy. Rob sneaks in a little duck and deer hunting. Our talented Nicci dances 24 hours a day, at school and competition. A junior in high school and got her drivers license. My #1 granddaughter is in her second year at college swimming and enjoying college.
And as for me.....In January I started the year off with a 25 day cruise from Istanbul, Turkey to Cape Town, Africa. Stopped in Tunisia, Malta, Morocco, Senegal, Benin, Togo, Namibia. Very, very interesting part of the world. Then Leslie and I had a cruise from Stockholm Copenhagen, Finland, St Petersburg Russia, Gdansk, Berlin and back to Stockholm. Had a great summer with the grandchildren and the pool with a trip to Chicago in July with my "Scrapbookers". Did some remodeling. All new hard wood floors, tile baths and a new banister Oh yes, new stove. dishwasher and pots and pans. It was a good year and next years travel plans in January is a cruise to New Zealand, Australia and Tasmania. In March will be off to climb the wall in Beijing,China and Xian. Does life get any better? Fun to look back, but only for a review. I just want to keep looking forward in my life and watch the accomplishments of my great family.

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