Sunday, January 16, 2011


Boy, have the last 68 years flown by! It was a cold winter day and I remember anxiously waiting to hear if I had another baby sister or maybe a baby brother.......You were born a block up the street from our house in Grandma's Goff's bedroom, where your three big sisters were born. I was 11 and so excited about having a new baby to play with. Daddy was working in Tooele, Utah and not with mom. She sent him a telegram and said she and the baby were doing fine. His friends commented she forgot to tell you what the baby was, but he knew it was another girl.......making four now. Pictured on the right are the four sisters at a family reunion at Dixie's ranch a few years ago. We are all so different, but the same because of our wonderful parents and fun years growing up together. We are sad and lonesome for the two sisters that have passed away. I thank you for all the fun times we have had together, sharing our kids and traveling around the world and the United States together. I am looking forward to a few more years of fun times together. Oh yes, to anyone concerned, we did get that baby brother when Leslie was three. Jimmy Dick was the icing on the cake for my father.

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