Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I think the only ones happy in this weather are the many snowmen I see sprinkled around the neighborhood........It is cold! This cold weather just goes deep in your bones and my arthritis hates it. It is also very hard on Karrie who has fibermialgia,(not sure how to spell it), she has been hurting so bad. January is flying by and hopefully February will warm a little. I have been very busy and that is the answer I guess. Sherrie was in town yesterday and Pam and I met her for a quick lunch, then they were off to Vernal again. There is so much I can do to help make others lives more happy. I heard a story about one woman with two hands, two feet and a normal brain who over many years planted one bulb at a time on an obscure mountain top and "created something of indescribable magnificence, beauty and inspiration" for many to enjoy. "50,000 bulbs woven together in a beautiful, colorful at a time. Hey, don 't we have two hands, two feet and a normal brain.....kinda sorta? There is so much we can do.
To me this is a great methaphore of the women all over the world. Every day of our lives we are planting one seed at a time of love, knowledge, information, helpfulness, kindness. We feed, drive, make clothes, clean and care for the ones we love, young and old. Our mission on earth is to plant seeds that make our children grow into wonderful human beings, who will indeed continue to plant at a time.
Each day look, see, be aware of your "crops" or (accomplishments) and enjoy them to the fullest. Wear your good underwear, use your best china, light your candles, eat desert it all for you. And, continue planting those bulbs (seeds) till the day you die, others will see and enjoy your good works.

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