Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Yes, I finally found a place for all my Christmas stuff and they are tucked away till next year. Think about this......what other time of the year can you sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of your sock? Holidays have got to be the greatest! It's nice when they get here and nice when they are over.
I can't believe how fast January is moving in on us. Today is January 4, 2011 already. It is freezing cold outside and I love sitting at my counter watching the little birds delight in finding lunch at my bird feeder. I am lucky to have a nice warm house and plenty to eat, so many people are not so lucky. I inherited a new room mate this week end. Kortney will be staying with me a couple of weeks.........and guess what she knows her way around the computer. I try not to miss my sweet Tiff to much because I know how happy she is with her new husband and life. She kept me young, as will Kortney. There is so much I need to be doing but all I want to do is curl up with my new "Kindle" and read , read, read. My kids always come through with the greatest gifts each year. Picture this.......I am in my recliner, in front of my Amish fireplace (the kids gave me last Christmas), bundled in my Sherpa throw (the Christensons gave me for Christmas) reading my "Kindle" (A Christmas present from the three families) and it's about 17 degrees outside. The perfect winter scenario.........but, I guess I better finish mopping the floor first. Hope you all are having a great day..............

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