Friday, January 21, 2011


These days there are so many people struggling to keep things together.......many people's businesses, families and worlds are falling apart, thanks to Obama. When you think you have nothing left to give, ask yourself.
Would I trade the use of my hands for 10,000 dollars? A hundred thousand dollars? A million dollars? No, No and No. So I guess I am a millionaire! My possessions (my hands), are worth a million dollars to me, I must be a millionaire.......
True happiness, wealth and success lie within ourselves. You can travel the world over looking for it while all the time it lies within you. It's not what you have in your pocket, but what you have in your heart that makes you rich. There are some very rich people who are not happy. The reasons vary from poor health, unable to have children, unfaithfulness, dishonesty, divorce etc. Money can't seem to buy these rich people happiness. The richest people are those grateful for what they have, two hands, good health, strong happy children and a supportive mate. "So much of the time all we have is all we need, and all we need is awareness of and gratitude for what we have."
Today I am very grateful for everything in my life. A wonderful family that are there for me. A warm, safe house to live in with enough food and money. I have two hands that can and do everything I need them to. Yesterday my sister was in town and we spent a fun day together with other family members. I am greatful for my sister and her love. Today. I'm off to lunch with my oldest daughter and look forward to another great day in my life......"It's not what you have in your pocket, but what you have in your heart that makes you rich!"

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