Wednesday, January 26, 2011


"It is one thing to see your road, another to travel it" Anon
You need to learn you can win from whatever decision you make. You can learn, grow and develop yourself on which ever road you take. Remember there is no such thing as failure......only feedback. When you think this way, your life can change and become more understanding, growing and peace of mind occurs.
I am trying to live without regrets and believe every decision I have made was the best one for me at that time. Regrets come from thinking you know what life would have been like "IF ONLY". Yet, the truth is that you can not know. There will always be hills and valleys in our life travels. No matter which road we chose originally it would not protect us from these hills and valleys. There are no perfect roads in life. The downs are there to teach us and help us discover the truth and better way. Wouldn't life be boring if we lived constantly on the hills? There can be more ups than downs, if you learn your lessons well.......You know "no such thing as failure, only feedback."
Utah is still wrapped in the arms of winter, the mountains are beautiful to look at and very cold. Park City is in the middle of it's Robert Redfords Film Festival, every year we enjoy the world coming to our doors. Lots of snow yesterday, today fog and much warmer. Shirley and I took in a movie and lunch today, that Ashton Kutcher has the prettiest brown eyes!

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