Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Sometimes your nice smooth road in life gets a bump in it......Something that throws you off course a little. So you pull back, work it out and find your road again. I think I'm back on my road again and need to get back to blogging. I have just finished three scrapbooks for my girls, that has kept me busy. They were to be done by Thanksgiving....Not. They were to be done by Christmas.....Not. Now I think I can deliver them by Valentines Day! I needed to get them done and move on through the tons of pictures to sort and file or discard. The big news the past few days has been the uprising in Egypt. I am so glad I got to see the museum, and the beautiful pyramids before it becomes unsafe for tourist. Also, we are in for freezing weather for a few days. Cold, cold, but not as bad as the weather in the New England states with the ice and snow. Thank goodness most of our snow has been in our beautiful mountains this winter. So moving on I call on my angels to help me not stop "movin on". My success strategy to be my absolute best! Be sincere and honest. I do not like phony, just act natural and be yourself. Body language tells so much about a person. This I learned when I was a Stewardess. Stand tall or sit up straight, shoulders back, chin up , make eye contact and keep smiling. Shows confidence and helps you feel confident (even when you might not be). Ask questions....."Questions provide you with information, and information is powerful,"
Asking questions shows that you are interested in the moment. Plan ahead when possible, be prepared not surprised. Pay attention to details "Do sweat the small stuff" when dealing with others little things matter with people. Don't be afraid...."You can't climb the ladder of success with cold feet!" So I take another look at things........"Things happen for a reason, just believe."

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