Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I for some reason at this time, Your rainbow you can't find....
Just let me know and I will share with you mine!
I want to be the hero of my own story........
Gerontologist recognize that in order to age successfully we must first accept and embrace the fact that we are aging.
We must also believe in ourselves and have good self esteem. Self confidence can help you immensely. Believing in yourself means believing in your good, not in whether or not you are thin, attractive and youthfully sexy. It is your inner worth that should shine through.
Ann Morrow Lindberg said, "The most exhausting thing in life is being insecure."
If you want to be happy as you age, (and you are going to age no matter what) be honest with yourself about who and what you really are. Age is just a number. When we face the fact that youth is not king, we can tell ourselves the truth of who we are and what we are. When we start valuing our true gifts, we well know the feeling of AGELESSNESS. No one else can make this happen except you. Jump on that positive attitude and tell yourself the truth about what a wise and wonderful person you really are. Name your talents and accomplishment of the past.
Acceptance is one of the most important keys to becoming ageless. Getting older is not getting worse. In some cultures the old people are the cherished ones, they realize that growing older is a part of life as is dying. It happens to everyone sooner or later. As I have said, "today is the oldest you have ever been and the youngest you will ever be" have a nice day.

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